viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2010

Trading Areas of Negotiation

The concept of trading zones means that every business has key interests, extreme and intransigent areas, subject to mandatory caps defining breakpoints real, out of which leave the negotiation or opt for the confrontation.

In practical terms, comprehending and understanding what is negotiable as it is not, is a key aspect in the art of negotiation. The field of negotiation is limited by the combination of actors, divergence and willingness to compromise, we have discussed as elements of the structure of the negotiation, but this combination does not explain its dynamics. A model that analyzes the dynamics of negotiation emphasizes three elements: interests (stakes), the powers and relations between negotiators, who play the role of springs in the development process, which reflects the implementation of strategies. The phenomenon of trading in its dynamic aspect is pointed out in phases and is embedded in time, which is a fundamental variable in any dynamic phenomenon.

Interests (stakes).

The interests, objectives, needs are the important mechanisms of negotiation.Applying concepts of game theory, we have:

a) The bet or position is what you have on hand to participate in the negotiation and does not want to lose.
b) The prize: what the person believes will win in the negotiation, with your bet.
c) Performance: the relationship between the position or bets and prizes.

In turn, the stakes can be:
Instrumental: they correspond to the concrete, visible and immediate the stakes. Are immediate.
Fundamental long-term are not going to be a result in the immediate event, representing every part of the relationship established between what she committed to the negotiation and impact in the medium and long term of it.

The power is defined as "the possibility of certain individuals or groups to influence other individuals or groups" (Crozier and Friedberg) or as "all tangible and intangible means that A moves in relation to B for the terms of trade are favorable to their project. " However, the definition of Weber is more convincing in the sense that power is the ability of an individual to another person perform a certain action, which would not have agreed not to mediate the influence of the former.

Power supplies are manifold. Its origin can be found at:

a) Institutional sources, such as law and the hierarchy, which distribute power among people.
b) The strength, the ability of coercion, pressure and coercion. The groups, empowered by law or by action as unions.
c) The personal influence, which can be manifold, it may be a psychological influence ("charisma"), a functional influence (competence, experience) and can arise from the ability to induce an individual or group to demonstrate and to persuade.
d) remunerative power, that is, people do certain activities for money, for example, a worker who builds furniture for your client, because it will pay a price.

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