When you graduate from university you have to think in what you want to do, if you want to study a master, or you want to travel and know other countries and culture or you just want to start your own business or maybe search a job and after start your business. If you are thinking in search a job you have to take many things that could help you to obtained wathever you want.
You have to research some information about the comapny you want to work for. Visit the location in person if its a store or building open to the general public. What type of people works there?, what are the typical hours this position requires? If you feel that you have to take notes about something that you could require more information, just do it.
Another point that you have to consider is practice some questions that maybe could ask you. You have to think the answer that you will give and answer quiet and clear.
You have to have a good apparience, because is the way that you could sell yourself. You have to look formal but you dont have to exagerate, so take care of that kind of points because it can help you ot it can be counterproductive.
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