domingo, 31 de octubre de 2010

The seven rules of rhetoric

The seven rules of rhetoric are as follows:

  • Repeat words: I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream
  • Repeat sounds: We are the people...who persuaded others to buy British, not by begging them to do so, but because it was best. 
  • Use contrast and opposites: Ask not what your country can do for you-ask waht can you do for your country. 
  • Group key points in threes: We must therefore act together as a united people, for national reconciliation, for nation building for the birth of a new world. 
  • Ask rhetorical questions: What are our chances of success? It depends on what kind of people we are. 
  • Accumulate supporting points: We are the people who, amongst other things, invented the computer, the refigerator, the electric motor, the stethoscope, rayon, the steam turbine, stainless steel, the tank...
  • Use metaphorical language: To lead our country out of the valley of darkness. 


Innovation is often defined as an idea or set of ideas, transformed into a product or process, sold or used. Another more rigorous definition says that innovation is the process from knowledge to market a product.
A particular innovation only when it comes to market a product or service. If no one pays anything, no innovation. Innovation can be manifested in the design of a new product in a new production process, a new marketing approach in a new way of conducting training and staff training.
The main objective is to generate innovations that create competitive advantages achieved, which is necessary to perceive those totally new market opportunities or serve a market sector that other organizations have ignored. When competitors respond slowly, such innovation provides a competitive advantage.

An innovation should aspire to leadership from the beginning, otherwise it is unlikely to be sufficiently innovative. "Who does not use new remedies must expect new evils, for time is the greatest innovator."
Research and development involving the use of resources to generate knowledge. The innovation is the use of knowledge to generate wealth. It should be noted that some innovations are born of a flash of genius, but most are the result of a search for opportunities conscious and deliberate. Above all, innovation is work rather than genius. Requires knowledge, ingenuity and concentration.
There are, of course, innovations that arise from a great inspiration. However, most of the innovations and, in particular the successful ones, result from a conscious and deliberate search for innovation opportunities, which are only a few situations.
In innovation, as in any other endeavor, there is this talent, intelligence and knowledge. But when everything is decided, what innovation requires is hard work, focused and meaningful. If lack of diligence, perseverance and delivery, talent, intelligence and knowledge are useless.
The deliberate and systematic innovation begins with analysis of sources of new opportunities. The sources have an important variable in time, depending on context.

Because innovation is both concept and perception, aspiring innovators must go out and look, ask and listen. Successful innovators use their two cerebral hemispheres, studying the numbers, but do not forget to look also to the people. Develop analytically how innovation must be to seize the opportunity. Then go and study for potential users to understand their expectations, values and needs. 

sábado, 2 de octubre de 2010

Different aspects of creativity

There are several issues that affect creativity within a company as can be: The challenge, freedom, resources, characteristics of group work, supervisor encouragement and strong support of the organization.

Ø Challenge: Of all the things that managers can do to stimulate creativity, one of the most effective is to give each person the perfect role for her. Managers can assign each person works to fit their expertise and creative thinking skills and to encourage intrinsic motivation. Autonomy over the process fosters creativity because giving people freedom as to how to approach their work strengthens their intrinsic motivation and sense of ownership of work and results that pertain to them.

Ø Resources: The two main resources that affect creativity are time, appropriate physical space and money.

Ø Characteristics of group work: If you want to create teams that generate creative ideas is a duty to pay due attention to the formation of such teams. To do so, create mutually supportive groups with diverse viewpoints and backgrounds. When teams are composed of people with different intellectual bases and different approaches to work, it means, with different skills and different styles of creative thinking, the ideas often combine to act in very useful and stimulating.

Ø Stimulation of supervisor: Employees may feel that their work is interesting or exciting without the need for anyone to remind you, but only for a limited period. However, to maintain that passion, most employees need to feel that their work matters to the company.
Ø Organizational Support: The encouragement received from the supervisors really fosters creativity, pear, it increases greatly when the organization as a whole supports it. Such support is the task of leading an organization that must implement appropriate systems and procedures and emphasize values that make it clear that creative efforts are a priority.

Lessons from the results obtained by highly competitive firms is that fostering creativity is something that is in the hands of managers. Creativity requires management to radically change their way of forming working groups and interact with them. This implies a change in organizational culture, which generates significant rewards. The risks of not doing so may be even greater. When you kill creativity, an organization loses a powerful competitive weapon: the new ideas while losing energy and commitment of its people.  

viernes, 1 de octubre de 2010

Creativity as part of innovation.

In today's knowledge economy creativity is more important than ever. But many companies unwittingly use management practices that kill it, smashing the intrinsic motivation of employees, it means, the strong inner desire to do something based on interests and passions.
The directors do not kill creativity on purpose. But in his quest for productivity, efficiency and end up undermining the creative control, which is the livelihood of those in the medium and long term. Business imperatives can have and should coexist with creativity, for which the directors have to radically change their way of thinking.

In business, originality is not enough. To be creative, an idea must also be appropriate, useful and viable. Must somehow influence the way we do business, for example, improving a product or opening a new way of approaching a process, and even creating new ways to think strategically. Thus many believe that creativity is something connected only with the marketing, advertising, or design products or processes. But creativity can benefit all departments of a company.

For many, creativity refers to the mindset that people have, or to the degree of inventiveness that address the problems. But to think imaginatively is only part of creativity, because in order for it to take place is also needed expertise and motivation. Thus, creativity is the result of combining three elements, the ability to think creatively combined with the expertise and motivation.

The expertise includes everything a person knows and can do in the broader field of work. Expertise is what the economist and psychologist Herbert Simon called the "network of possible movements," the intellectual space it uses to explore and solve problems. The larger this space the better.
Creative thinking is about how people approach problems and solutions, its ability to collect existing ideas and special forming new combinations. The capacity itself depends largely on the personality and the way of thinking and working of the individual. Your creativity will be enhanced if combined in their reasoning skills seemingly disparate fields.

Managers can influence the three components of creativity: expertise, creative thinking skills and motivation. But the fact is that influence the first two is far more difficult and time consuming considerably more influence on motivation. 

The change in business

The world moves and changes very rapidly, with increasing acceleration. So that countries, companies and individuals that can not accommodate the changes will be hopelessly out of the race and context. Many professions, industries, jobs, products and services that existed twenty years ago no longer exist. Every five years the knowledge was outdated and are replaced by new concepts. Sleep, means getting to wake up in a world that will not recognize.

We live in an era of new speculations, windows open but the doors still remain closed. We must not turn our backs to the future, wanting things continue as they were so far, need to face a changing reality. 
It is in this environment where creativity and innovation take new form and become cornerstones of change and competitiveness of enterprises. In a world where everything tends to imitate fast, creative, generating innovation in processes, products and services, will take out the advantages. Thus, the cumulative amount of benefits is the new slogan in strategic.